Friday, October 31, 2008

1. Knit lace with lace weight yarn
2. Knit myself a sweater. Tried Summer 2010. Didn't fit. Trying again.
3. Send 20 baby hats to Children's hospital at Egleston in Atlanta
4. make these Inca Alpaca Mitts
5. submit original design to Knitty for consideration
6. Steek
7. learn a new medium
8. participate in Project Spectrum
9. do a swap
10. sew a growth chart for little one.
11. Get 3 artscout buttons
12. Get back on pointe shoes.
13. Take a class at New York Lifestyle.
14. Get up 15 minutes earlier, make a cup of coffee and start the day before anyone else is up.
15. Walk to Homeschool Co-0p at least 2/4 times a month.
16. Make a calendar of everyone's birthdays.
17. Take little one on walks at least once a week.
18. Make a nature table.
19. Organize playroom and make it cute.
20. Paint kitchen. {Still working on this one. Plaster sucks up paint. Loads of it.}
21. Decorate little one's room as a garden.
22. Read Walden.
23. Give handmade gifts (made by me or someone else).
24. Learn to compost. began summer 2010, starting on my birthday
25. Use a clothesline on sunny days. Got it up and going 5/2009
26.Plant a food garden. I am growing peas! Ate them for dinner 6/8/2009
27. Make cheese.
28. Learn the accordion. (Got a great toy one for christmas. Dreaming of this one)
29. Run a 5K 3/15/09